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My accomplices..

haha these are the crazy people I hang out with

My buddy Alayna in band

Timothy at the mall on senior skip day

That's Josh Parslow.. Gotta love that smile! haha

My homeslice! Larrissa Rose

Katie Williams..She's winking at you.. yes you! ;)

Kellie Jo

She's so perty :p That's Rissa Rose before the Valentines Dance

I think this picture stands out the most O.o lol

Johnna Grace..2005 American Idol right here people^^

WOAH! That's the first pic these 2 sisters have posed for..ever :-p

Aren't Rissa and Timmy cute :)

One big happy family ;)

See Tim's hand? Rissa just found out she was pregnant =o I'm just keeding ;) :)

They love having their picture taken :p

I love this picture :) (minus the cell)

The pic would be better if my belly ring were smaller and didn't make me look fat :p

Mary and I before the dance..her looking cool, me looking COOLER ;)

Always on her cell :-p

Mikayla,Tim,Rissa,and Me on top of Rissa's butt :p

Tim and Rissa on the couch. Lovely Larrissa :p

Mary told me to be spontaneous..So I picked my teeth ;)

Larrissa and I before we went out with Tim and Johnny

this isn't as bad as it looks lol she was squeezing Tim's stomach

haha nice place to be Rissa

it's kind of blurry but Rissa caught Tim when he wasn't payin attention lol

Rissa up close and personal lol

they look so comfortable :p

Mary the retard :p

Me looking so thrilled

haha nice Rissa, nice :p

I'm breaking the habit.. tonight..